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30x16x18 This old time range bull has more leg, slimmer, and heavier in the front than many cowmen like today. He may not fit in everyone’s program, but he is still a lotta bull and was more interesting to sculpt.

11x15x13 It's buyer beware with horse traders. To those who haven't been down that road, this guy may have a good story, but there is more to the story than meets the eye.

18 x 12 x 12 (ed 5) This young girl and her horse have become partners. With both minds focused on a single goal as they round the last barrel, their eyes are on the prize.

9x15x11 As I have said before, horses are my favorite subject. Draft horses were made for the clay. They are all about mass. Trying to convey this vibrancy of mass is what makes them fun. I sculpt by addition rather than subtraction which make them even more fun. This work is of a young horse, 1 maybe 2 years old.

6x19x16 This is more of a quarter horse type running horse. I exaggerated the legs tapering to extra small hooves etc. to give more of an impression of speed.

18x38x21 This is a study for a heroic size sculpture for the Briscoe Museum. It will be placed on the River Walk between the river and the Briscoe. The cowboy is of Spanish origin now working for an American rancher. He has adopted many of the “northern” gear and ways but retained some of his own as well. It takes place in the late 1800’s. The space available was quite small to fit all they wanted into, and had a lot of elevation change in a short distance.

10x18x11 I am not very good with a rope but most of my horses got to know me well and became buddies. If they could keep going and I could keep throwing, eventually we would catch what we were after. You can see in the sculpture this guy has missed and is gathering up his loop for another try.

21x27x21 It is usually late in the summer when you pull the bulls off the cows. It is hot, the bulls are tired, and don’t want to be driven. This is when they can turn on your horse. Many brush up, get on the fight and refuse to go anywhere.

13 x 28 x 16 Edition: 15 Foundry: Shaeffer Bronze

14x7x12 Some Longhorn steers are on the fight when the sun rises, but a roped one resulting in a broken horn is guaranteed to be in a bad mood. That's when they turn and say "Come on if you dare".

8x10x4 I wanted to do a colt that would stand out in any ranch’s bunch, but with the great breeding going on today that is difficult.

16x29x15 I did this sculpture with the intent of using it for a study for a larger version. I was pleased when it won People’s Choice award at the Buffalo Bill Historical Center show in Cody, Wyoming. I eventually did sculpt it in what I call a garden size, which is smaller than life but still large enough to place outside in most cases.

29hx16x18 Edition: 1 Foundry: Art Castings of Colorado

18x39x14 There is very little in the world that is prettier than horses running. They love to run and when several are together and egging each other on it just gets better. This was actually a study for a heroic piece that did not materialize. It would have been fun to do.

4x8x10 This is a study for a heroic size sculpture of a very well know angus bull.