2018 Black bears primarily use their keen sense of smell instead of their eye sight because they really cannot see very well. It does not keep them from standing on a log and taking a blurry look around. You see them doing that quite a lot. I really think they are trying to catch the wind rather than depending on their sight. Dimensions: 7x14x13 Edition: 5 Foundry: Art Castings of Colorado

2011 This old time range bull has more leg, slimmer, and heavier in the front than many cowmen like today. He may not fit in everyone’s program, but he is still a lotta bull and was more interesting to sculpt. Dimensions: 30x16x18 Edition: 5 Foundry: Billings Bronze

2008 It's buyer beware with horse traders. To those who haven't been down that road, this guy may have a good story, but there is more to the story than meets the eye until you look closer. Dimensions: 11x15x13 Edition: 5 Foundry: Billings Bronze

2006 Mountain Animals have always intrigued me. Sheep, goats, ibex, all of them. Maybe it’s because I love the mountains. When ibex get up after a short nap it’s often followed with a stretch. With their long, sweeping horns it is very dramatic when they do. Dimensions: 9 x 27 x 20 Edition: 5 Foundry: Billings Bronze

2015 The African Professional Hunter’s Assn (I am an honorary member) asked me to craft an award for the hunter who exemplifies what a client should be. I wanted to portray the camaraderie, tracking, walking, and looking. Pulling the trigger is anticlimactic. I know the importance hunting in conservation, but am often saddened with the taking the life of an animal. The hours of tension and excitement watching the animal in his element is more important. Dimensions: 12x17x16 Edition: 9

2018 This whitetail doe had her fawn just outside my studio window in Wyoming. She coaxed it into a nearby stand of Blue Spruce as soon as it could stand on wobbly legs. It was a bit more secluded there. Only then did she let it nurse. Within just a few hours the fawn was trying to tear the world up on legs that seemed to have a mind of their own. She and her fawn hung around the area for several days giving me a chance to see them often Dimensions: 7x8x9 Edition: 5 Foundry: Hefestus Fine Art

2009 I think the Bezoar from Turkey are the most striking of all Ibex. Like all the others, they are extremely agile, bouncing from rock to rock on the cliffs they live in. Dimensions: 8x15x15 Edition: 5 Foundry: Billings Bronze

2022 Among the wild horses that roam the BLM country and up into the Prior Mountains west of Cody, once in awhile you’ll find a horse that shows many of the unique characteristics of the Spanish barb horses ridden by the Spanish explorers that came up from southern Mexico in the 1500’s. They never gelded their studs, so it gives credibility to the belief, along with artifacts found that they made it at least as far north as Wyoming. Dimensions: 6x12x14.5 Edition: 2 Foundry: Art Castings of CO

2014 Almost all ranch horses, performance horses, rodeo horses, and a great many pleasure horses have running blood in them. Ranchers look for quarter or thoroughbred horses that have attributes that fit them and infuse those genes into their horse program. Like my father said, "the only thoroughbred blood that hurts you is what you don't have." Dimensions: 24x8x16 Edition: 5 Foundry: Omega Bronze

2009 There are five subspecies of Kudu. This work is of an East African Kudu. Caught in the open he is making a run for cover Dimensions: 21x15x16 Edition: 5 Foundry: Art Castings of Colorado

2013 The third in the Safari Club International Show miniature series. Male lions from the same litter often band together, sometimes for life. They can be seen traveling and hunting together and have been known to team up to take over a pride of females. Dimensions: 12x11x12 Edition: 5 Foundry: Billings Bronze

2015 Bison love to roll, dig and cavort in banks of clay or sand pits called wallows. Bulls grunt and bellow as they dig up the dirt with their horns or get down on their knees before getting on their sides to roll. Rolling totally over with their big hump is difficult so most squirm on one side then get up and treat themselves on the other side. Dimensions: 17x19x14 Edition: 5 Foundry: Billings Bronze

2020 Fall is a wonderful time of the year with all the changing colors and crispness in the air, especially for elk lovers. It’s rutting time and the grunts and bugles echo through the hills and off canyon walls. This bull is trotting through little bunches of cows showing off his antlers with an occasional backward glance to see if he made an impression on any of the ladies. Dimensions: 7x19x17 Edition: 5 Foundry: Hefestus Fine Art

2009 I hope to have more contact with Aboriginals. The few times I have been able to have been fascinating. They are dream people. Their lives are built around dreams or visions. The elders predict, judge, and advise through their dreams. Dimensions: 9x9x15 Edition: 5 Foundry: Billings Bronze

2020 Occasionally while hiking in some parts of Africa. You will come upon an elephant skull. If the tusks are still there you can rule out poaching. This brings up all kinds of speculation if old age is not obvious. Dimensions: 12.5x6.5x4.5 Edition: 7 Foundry: Hefestus Fine Art